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Californina Legislators Rollback the Kindergarten Entrance Date….Kind of

In California’s latest legislative session, law makers passed a resolution moving back the entrance cut-off date for Kindergarten.  It is currently December 2nd, but will now be rolled back to September 1st.   As an advocate for developmental readiness, I applaud this decision.  However, as California law makers have done with sooooo many other initiatives, they have managed to mess this one up too.

#1- the rollback date will not be fully initiated until 2014.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  Each year it will move up one month until it hits September in 2014.  Confusing to say the least.

#2- there will be “exceptions” to the rule.  WHAT?  If you make a rule, stick to it.  This will only saddle administrators with more work and a big, fat, headache.  Accurately assessing whether a child is truly ready for Kindergarten is an involved process.  How are over taxed teachers and principals going to be able to address each “exception request” with the care and attention it needs.

I am going to do a lot more digging into this subject and will report accordingly.  In the meantime, I would love to hear from people about their experiences, thoughts and opinions regarding cut off dates for Kindergarten.  If you’re new to my blog, please review smartyrulz & FAQz before commenting.

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