Organization and time management are work skills that start with homework
Associate homework with love, freedom and control so your child grows to understand the benefits of hard work and mastery of the material.
You know from experience that homework can be a drag. It’s the necessary task that cultivates confidence and the strong work ethic your child needs in life.
Make homework a positive experience
- Give a choice of when, where, and how they complete homework assignments.
- Use homework preferences to develop a schedule. Some children prefer to complete assignments they like least first, others prefer easier or favorite work first.
- Take control of a frustrating subject. Set a goal of doing five math problems, then take a short break.
- Encourage participation in study groups. Those who study together perform better than those who study alone, especially appropriate for middle and high schoolers.
Make homework a priority
- Make clear that you expect your children to complete homework accurately; set a family-wide expectation.
- Establish a routine and study station (Read Answer Keys, chapters “The Importance of Routines” and “Creating a Study Station” for tips on how to create an age-appropriate study station).
- Reduce other activities to make time for homework, as needed.
Teach organizational skills
- Estimate how long it will take to complete each assignment.
- Circle verbs in written directions. This will help your child better understand what he needs to do on an assignment or test.
- Predict test questions and space out studying for tests over several sessions.
Need more ideas?
Read the “Organizational Skills & Time Management for Kids” lesson plan in my book, Answer Keys: Teachers’ Lesson Plans for Successful Parenting.
Email Melissa or call (713) 444-6471